

Psychic medium Richard Cuthbert, was first aware of his abilities at a young ageIMG_0023-no bg
and started his mediumistic and psychic development in his teens.  He began working publicly with his gifts in 1999, and has since established himself as a popular and much loved psychic medium.

Warm and sincere in his approach and delivery, Richard is well known for his accuracy and sensitive nature during his readings and demonstrations.

As a Spiritualist and member of the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) Richard demonstrates at Spiritualist churches, and completed much of his training and development with the SNU.  He is a Tutor at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College, the world’s foremost college for the advancement of Spiritualism and psychic sciences at Stanstead, London.

Richard has been trained and assessed by the SNU in a number of disciplines.  He holds diplomas (DSNU) in demonstrating evidential mediumship, public speaking, teaching mediumship  & assessing and is the first individual worldwide to have been awarded a diploma in private sittings by the SNU following assessment by the SNU of his work in this field.

In 2019 Richard was ordained as Minister of the SNU meaning that he is able to conduct services such as weddings, funerals and naming services, as well as supporting and developing the work and profile of the SNU in this official capacity.  Richard's ministerial work also means that he supports individuals in a pastoral capacity, this includes chaplaincy work in places such as hospitals and prisons.  You can find more information about funeral / memorial services by Richard here.

On this website you can learn more about Richard’s work, book a private reading, demonstration, talk or workshop and find out where he is appearing.

Interested in a Reading? Check out my Readings page here.